Photo Credit: WrestleZone & New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Pro Wednesday (11/21) World Tag League Update, More

By Jasmine Olan

The current golden age currently taking place in New Japan Pro Wrestling over the last several years has brought with it a very interesting increase in the number of female viewers around the world.  Over time, women have come to make up a large portion of NJPW’s fanbase which continues to grow with little to no sign of slowing down.  They watch each event, excited to see some of the most talented and inherently beautiful men in the world do battle in the squared circle.  It is very important to note that this is happening despite the fact that NJPW does not have a women’s division due to their already hugely stacked line up.  While many of their western counterparts tend to focus more on male fans, New Japan does what it can to show some love for female fans through everything from merchandise like photo books to fun fan service moments geared towards them.   Evidence of how successful this approach has been can be seen all over social media on a daily basis and increasing number of subscriptions to the promotion’s streaming service New Japan World.

A major contributing factor to this is the appeal of many of the wrestlers themselves.  Many of NJPW’s finest have been touted as some of the sexiest and most handsome wrestlers in the world as well as some of the most talented.  From main event mega talents like Kota Ibushi, Kenny Omega, Kazuchika Okada, and Hiroshi Tanahashi to upper mid card talents like Hirooki Goto and LA Dojo head trainer, Katsuyori Shibata there is no shortage of incredible eye candy for female fans, with each of these men having their own unique brand of sex appeal.   One prime example of this is the Golden Star, Kota Ibushi, a living breathing anime character known for his daredevil spirit and heart of gold.

On a pretty much daily basis fans fawn over his inherent beauty, unparalleled talent, and sweet natured disposition.  Some have even had the chance to experience that first hand at live events and meet and greets myself included.  Much of his appeal stems from his free spirited nature and the air of bohemian freedom with which he seems to approach his life and career.  Imagine a man so attractive that even hetero men seem to question themselves around him.   However perhaps the most appealing thing about Ibushi is his kindness and humble heart which will surely have fans flipping out over their beloved Bu-San for years to come.

For the better part of two decades, the Ace Of The Universe, Hiroshi Tanahashi has been another major favorite among female wrestling fans.   At forty-two years old, Tanahashi is a little older but still of the most handsome and amazing of NJPW’s finest.  His incredible look and talent have made the Once In A Century Talent one of the international wrestling scene’s greatest icons as well as a living legend.  So much of his appeal is due to his larger than life presence as well as the passion, intensity, and loyalty he shows  in every match.  Few wrestlers in the industry have been able to earn the level of respect that he does.  When meeting him, you not feel the presence of a legendary performer who commands a level of respect similar to that of a parental figure that you never want to disappoint.  In Japan there is one word used by fans and critics alike to describe Hiroshi Tanahashi, itsuzai (extraordinary).

Female fans like many of these performers not only for the way they look, but also for their ability in the ring and what they represent to the audience.  One common thread connecting all of them is the theme of passion and the fighting spirit associated with the Japanese wrestling culture.  Whether face or heel, there is something appealing about every one of them.  Female fans may catch flack at times and often be told that the only reason they Iike a particular performer is the way they look or some other shallow reason.  However that is simply not the case.  Women may be one of the most underestimated elements of wrestling fandom,  but we happen among the most loyal.


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