NXT Takeover War Games

WWE NXT TakeOver: War Games II Results (11/17): Black Gets Revenge, Ciampa Defends, Baszler Battles In 2-Out-Of-Three Falls, Who Survived WarGames, More

The War Raiders launch Ricochet into the air onto Cole and Fish. Hanson saves Dunne. Strong and Kyle are sitting on the top rope. Ricochet and Dunne butterfly suplex Strong and Kyle at the same time. Ricochet gets a near fall. The War Raiders put a table between the two rings. Cole escapes a powerbomb by Rowe. Rowe tosses Cole in the air. Hanson catches Cole and power slams him. Kyle spear Rowe through a table. Cole tries to superplex Ricochet through a table. Ricochet escapes and puts Cole in the tree of woe. Kyle and Ricochet trade punches. Ricochet puts Kyle on the table. Strong knees Ricochet in the face. Kyle puts Ricochet in a triangle choke while on the table. Hanson jumps from one ring to the other and splashes Kyle through the table. Strong hits Hanson with a trash can to break up the pin. Cole climbs the cage. Ricochet follows. Ricochet and Cole trade punches. Strong climbs up top. Strong and Cole try to throw Ricochet out of the cage. Ricochet holds on. Dunne climbs up top and tries to suplex Cole off the top. Everyone grabs everyone. Fish has Hanson in a sleeper. Hanson backs Fish into the cage. Hanson powerbombs everyone except Ricochet off the side of the cage!

Ricochet dives off the top and does a reverse 630  senton onto everyone! Everyone is down! The UE rolls to ring two. Each team regroups. Everyone gets to their feet. there is a standoff between both teams between the rings. A huge brawl breaks out! Fish spears Rowe back into ring two. Rowe blast Fish with a knee strike. The War Raiders hit Fallout. Kyle and Strong hit the high low on Rowe. Hanson takes out Kyle and Strong with a handspring back elbow. Ricochet springboard into a superkick by Cole. Dunne tries the X-Plex on Cole. Cole reverses it into a DDT. Cole hits the Last Shot. Dunne kicks out. Cole misses another shining wizard. Dunne hits the Bitter End. Ricochet hits a frog splash. Dunne and Ricochet both pin Cole for the win.

Winners- The War Raiders, Pete Dunne, and Ricochet

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