Former WWE Superstar Ashley Massaro took to Twitter in seemingly innocuous fashion.
Massaro describes finding an old CD Matt Hardy burned for her way back in 2005:
Omgoodness so I’m going through my garage looking for old tax stuff (yea good times lol) n I find a box including one cd burned for me by @MATTHARDYBRAND from 2005 currently listening to it n had some really good music on it-only up to song 8 rn-hope he n his fam r doin amazing!
— ☆ Ashley Massaro ☆ (@ashleymassaro11) November 7, 2018
Massaro even tagged Matt Hardy in the tweet; but, Hardy’s wife Reby wasn’t having any of it. According to Reby Hardy, Massaro showed up at Matt Hardy’s home in 2011 during the height of Matt Hardy’s personal battle with addiction. In a move that would anger many, Massaro apparently waited until Reby was out of town to show up at the family home with pills. Massaro’s seemingly innocent tweet set Reby Hardy off, who reminded the former WWE Diva of what she told her the ‘last time we spoke,’ and even added, ‘Bit*h FOH. u may be running the Jesus gimmick these days but I don’t forget shit.’ Ashley Massaro is a self-proclaimed
Reby Hardy’s tweet appears below:
That’s when Massaro retweeted Hardy and responded with some fighting words of her own including the zinger of all zingers, ‘Bless ur heart darlin’:
Sit down Reby, was living in NY in 2011 n nowhere near NC-there was no ‘aw precious moments’ here-I simply stated I found a cd from 2005 Matt made frm BACK IN THE DAY! No nostalgia!Bless ur heart darlin’-Just u.getting rowdy.per usual.n ps knock my a$$ on site?BAHAHA ya ok-growup
— ☆ Ashley Massaro ☆ (@ashleymassaro11) November 8, 2018
None of this was sitting well with Reby Hardy, who in turn accused Massaro of looking for ‘attention’:
Hardy also added the following, letting Massaro know that when she brought up the family, the gloves came off:
Hardy wasn’t done there. She even compared Massaro to a ‘herpes sore’ that ‘pops up every few yrs’:
Massaro has not yet replied to the ‘herpes sore’ comparison.
While Reby Hardy may come off as harsh and overprotective to some, her recent tweets should be kept in perspective and in light of Matt Hardy’s struggles with addiction. Matt Hardy recently credited his wife with playing an instrumental role in getting him off the path of self-destruction.
During a recent appearance on Lilian Garcia‘s show, Matt Hardy gave Reby credit with helping him get clean:
When I was going through my darkest days, she was the one where other people probably wouldn’t have, she didn’t care about any wrestler or any level of fame. None of that makes any difference at all. She could care less. Everybody to her is just like a person. When I was going through my darkest days, she stayed on my ass all the time about stuff and for that, I will always love her and I’ll always appreciate her. It’s a debt I’ll always [unintelligible] because not a lot of people would. Some people would either get frustrated and leave, but she was there….she was on it. She staid on my ass the whole while and that helped me get through those days. She was heavily responsible for that. That’s one of those things, looking back in hindsight, if I didn’t have a personality as strong and as powerful and as truculent as her, I don’t know if I would have made it through in the same way.
Matt Hardy also noted:
Knowing that I had to change and my wife staying on my ass. That was it. You are just forced to because you’re gonna start losing things. Having somebody that was looking over my shoulder and on my ass, I credit her with that more than anything else. She was just on my ass non-stop. If you are in that state of just trying to get things together and you don’t have someone overseeing you with an eagle eye, it’s very easy to slip and slide right back into what you’re doing, so that’s what I credit her with more than anything else.
Reby Hardy also added the following to her Twitter account:
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Matt Reby Maxel Wolfgang Hardy Senor Benjamin
The Hardy Family
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
The Hardy Family
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
The Hardy Family
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
"Woken" Matt Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
"Woken" Matt Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
"Woken" Matt Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
Matt Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
"Woken" Matt Hardy & Vanguard-1
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy
Reby, Maxel & Wolfgang Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy