wwe super show-down

WWE Super Show-Down Live (10/6): New Champion Crowned, John Cena Returns, Undertaker And Triple H Battle One Last Time, More

Ronda Rousey and the Bella Twins vs The Riott Squad

Riott attacks Nikki from behind. Nikki lands a dropkick followed by a spine buster. Riott kicks out. Rousey wants a tag bu Brie tags in. Brie and Nikkie double team Riott. Riott facebusters Brie. Liv Morgan tags in and kicks Brie square in the face. Morgan sticks out her tongue at Brie. Brie grabs Morgan by the tongue. Brie mode knee by Brie. Morgan kicks out. Brie tags in Nikki. The Bellas land a slingshot suplex on Morgan. Logan tags in a knees Nikki in the face. The heels take turns beating down Nikki.

Rousey finally gets the tag. Rousey tosses each member of the Riott Squad around the ring. Strike combo by Rousey. Rousey drops Logan with the spinning Samoan drop. Rousey is about to put Logan in the armbar but Morgan breaks it up. Logan and Morgan try to double team Rousey. Rousey tosses Morgan and Logan at the same time. Rousey puts Logan and Morgan in a double stack armbar. Both Morgan and Logan tap at the same time.

Winners- The Bella Twins and Ronda Rousey

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Cedric Alexander (c) vs Buddy Murphy

Murphy knees Alexander in the face for a quick two count. Murphy goes up top but Alexander rolls out of the ring. Topeé by Murphy. Murphy hits a flying double knee strike off the top for another near fall. Murphy kicks Alexander over and over again. Alexander catches Murphy with a roar back elbow. Murphy puts Alexander in a sleeper. Murphy sends Alexander face-first into the turnbuckle. Murphy runs into a superkick by Alexander. Murphy elbows Alexander into the corner. Murphy puts Alexander on the top. Alexander pushes Murphy off the top. Murphy pops up to the top rope Alexander hits a Michinoku driver off the top! Murphy manages to kick out. Slingshot flatliner by Alexander. Murphy rolls out of the ring. Topé by Alexander.

Handspring head kick by Alexander for a near fall. Murphy flips out of the Lumbar check. Alexander puts Murphy on the top rope. Alexander sets up a superplex. Murphy fights out of it. Murphy tries a sunset bomb but Alexander hooks the ropes. Murphy tucks Alexander’s head and superkicks him. Sitout powerbomb by Murphy. Alexander kicks out. Alexander hits the rolling Spanish fly. Alexander lands the Lumbar Check but Murphy kicks out! Alexander tries a springboard but Murphy knees Alexander in the face. Murphy hits his finisher for the win.

Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion, Buddy Murphy!


WWE Super Show-Down Live Coverage Continues On The Next Page!


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