wwe super show-down

WWE Super Show-Down Live (10/6): New Champion Crowned, John Cena Returns, Undertaker And Triple H Battle One Last Time, More

No DQ WWE Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs Samoa Joe

Joe and Styles meet on the ramp. Styles sends Joe into the barricade. The official rings the bell to start the match. Joe fires back with sharp right hands. joe sends Styles tot he outside. Joe sends Styles over the commentary desk. Styles pops up to his feet and charges back into the ring. Styles is all over Joe. Styles kicks Joe in the chest over and over again. Joe destroys Styles with a wicked knife edge chop. Styles drops like a sack of potatoes. Joe boots Styles out of the ring. Topé suicida by Joe. Joe sends Styles into the ring steps. Joe suplexes Styles out on the floor. Joe runs over Styles. Styles manages to kick out.

Joe crushes Styles in the corner and follows that with a teardrop enziguri. Joe slingshots Styles into the bottom rope. Joe tries to suplex Styles back into the ring. Styles blocks it. Styles flips out of it and drops Joe with a flurry of offense. Basement elbow by Styles. Backflip DDT by Styles. Joe kicks out. Joe turns Styles inside out with a lariat. Styles kicks out! Styles surprises Joe with an enziguri. Styles hits the ropes and runs right into a powerslam by Joe. Joe only gets a near fall. Styles tries another backflip DDT but Joe catches Styles in midair. Joe drops Styles with the Island Driver! Styles kicks out. Joe grabs a steel chair. Styles dropkicks the chair into Joe’s face. Styles hits Joe with the chair over and over again. Styles charges into the corner. Joe catches Styles and uranage suplexes him on a steel chair. Styles gets his shoulder up at 2.5. Joe brings a table into the ring.

Joe levels Styles with the steel chair before setting up the table. Joe tries to suplex Styles off the top through a table. Styles escapes and electric chair drops Joe through the table. Joe is clutching at his knee. Joe says he heard a pop. Styles stomps on Joe’s injured knee. Styles rolls Joe into the calf crusher. Joe turns it into the Coquina Clutch. Styles eventually rolls under the rope to get out of the hold since there are no rope breaks. Styles hits a springboard 450 onto Joe’s bad knee. Styles and Joe fight outside the ring. Styles lands the Phoenominal Forearm on the outside. Styles rolls Joe back into the ring. Styles tries another Phoenominal Forearm but Joe turns it into the Clutch. Joe hits a clutch suplex! Styles kicks out! Joe rolls Styles into the Clutch. Styles puts Joe in the Calf Crusher. Joe taps out.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion, AJ Styles!

WWE Super Show-Down Live Coverage Continues On The Next Page!


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