Cody Rhodes
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco

NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed Results (9/30) Two Huge Title Matches.

SEVENTH MATCH: IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

Nick and Tama start the match. They lock up. Tama locks in a headlock. Tama hits a shoulder tackle. Stereo dropkicks. Wild brawl erupts.

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Tama pummels Nick Jackson in the corner. Tama hits a back elbow. Tanga Loa slams Matt Jackson to the arena floor. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Back in the ring, Nick fights off both Tama and Tanga. Tanga Loa hits a huge lariat. Matt Jackson gets knocked off the top rope and goes through a table. Tama and Tanga double team Nick Jackson. Tanga Loa hits a diving headbutt. Tama Tonga hits a Frog Splash for two.

Tanga Loa tags in. Loa manhandles Nick Jackson. Tanga Loa hits a stalling suplex for two. Tama Tonga tags in.

Nick fights off Tama. Nick hits a springboard Facebuster on Tama Tonga. Nick hits an Asai Moonsault on Tanga Loa. Nick gets back in the ring. Tama Tonga hits a Stinger Splash. Tama hits Tongan Twist for two.

Tanga Loa bodyslams Nick Jackson. Tama Tonga tags in. Nick counters Tongan Twist. Nick hits a Superkick. Matt Jackson tags in.

Matt fights off a double team. Matt hits a Superkick on Tama Tonga. Matt hits a baseball slide dropkick on Tanga Loa. Matt Hits a Sunset Flip on Tama Tonga. Matt transitions into a Sharpshooter. Tanga Loa breaks up the submission.

Tanga Loa slams Matt Jackson onto Tama Tongas knees. Tama covers for two. Matt hits a Spear. Nick tags in.

Nick blocks a powerslam. Nick fights off a double team. Nick hits a lungblower on Tanga Loa. Matt tags in. Super Kick Party ensues. Matt covers for two.

Matt goes for More Bang For Your Buck but Matt’s back gives way. Nick helps. Bucks hit More Bang For Your Buck for two.

Tanga Loa counters Meltzer Driver. Tama Tonga hits a Gun Stun. Tanga Loa hits Apeshit for two.

Tama tags in. Matt fights out of Magic Killer. Matt hits a series of Super Kicks. Tama & Tanga hit a Flapjack Cutter for the pinfall.

WINNERS AND NEW CHAMPIONS: The Guerrillas Of Destiny