Cody Rhodes
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco

NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed Results (9/30) Two Huge Title Matches.

SIXTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship Semi-Final: Will Ospreay vs. Marty Scurll

Ospreay hits a Standing Spanish Fly for two to start. Ospreay hits a dive to the outside. Ospreay rolls Scurll back in the ring. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press for two.

Scurll dodges Osscutter but eats a dive to the outside. Scurll gets back in the ring. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hits a series of mid kicks. Scurll hits an uppercut. Scurll hits an Apron Run Kick. Scurll gets Ospreay back in the ring. Scurll slams Ospreay’s sternum into the apron. Scurll hits a curb stomp. Scurll chops away on Ospreay. Scurll gets a nearfall.

Scurll maintains dominance. Scurll kicks Ospreay in the neck. Scurll stands on Ospreay’s neck. Ospreay hits a handspring enziguri. Scurll dodges a shotgun dropkick. Ospreay hits a Top Rope Tiger Feint Kick. Scurll hits an enziguri. Scurll sends Ospreay into the barricade. They battle on the apron. Scurll blocks the Apron Spanish Fly. Ospreay gets back in the ring. Ospreay hits a Sunset Bomb on Scurll, sending both men to the floor. Ospreay gets Scurll back in the ring.

Ospreay hits a Robinson Special. Scurll counters Osscutter with a Backslide Thrust Kick. Scurll blocks Stormbreaker. Ospreay hits a lariat. Ospreay gets Scurll on the top rope. Both men battle on the top rope. Scurll hits a springboard Hurricanrana. Scurll hits a lariat for two.

They trade chops. Ospreay hits an enziguri. Scurll locks in a Chickenwing. They trade rollups. Scurll hits a Powerbomb for two.

Ospreay hits a huge head kick. Scurll blocks Stormbreaker and climbs the top rope. Ospreay hits Cheeky Nandos. Scurll locks in a top rope Chickenwing. Ospreay fights out. Scurll hits a top rope chickenwing for two. Scurll hits a Package Piledriver. Scurll hits Graduation for the pinfall.

WINNER: Marty Scurll.


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