Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW Destruction In Kobe Results (9/23) Trouble Comes To CHAOS

FIFTH MATCH: The Besties (Chuckie T & Beretta) vs. Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Beretta & Archer start the match. Immediately the match goes outside. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

The Besties double team Lance Archer on the outside. They bring him in the ring. Archer counters the double suplex. KES takes out The Besties. Smith tags in.

Smith maintains dominance on Beretta. Smith hits a Deadlift Northern Lights Suplex for two. Archer tags in.

Lance Archer hits a Powerslam for two. Archer locks in a necklock. Beretta gets to the ropes. Smith tags in.

Smith hits Rolling German Suplexes. Beretta flips out of a suplex. Beretta dodges a running corner knee. Chuckie tags in.

Chuckie clears the apron. Chuckie hits a missile dropkick. Chuckie hits a corner lariat. Smith powers out of a Brainbuster. Smith pummels Chuckie. Smith his mid kicks. Chuckie hits a Complete Shot for two.

Archer tags in. Chuckie blocks the the Hart Attack. Beretta and Chuckie go for stereo planchas but get elbows to their faces. The Besties fight off KES. Chuckie hits a running somersault plancha. Chuckie misses a moonsault. Archer misses a moonsault. Chuckie hits a diving double stomp for two.

Beretta tags in. Beretta misses a Tornado DDT but hits a Sunset Flip. Archer counters a Sunset Flip. Beretta counters a chokeslam. Besties double suplex Archer. Archer counters a Gobstopper with a Pounce. Chuckie T hits a knee strike. Beretta hits a springboard Tornado DDT. Smith breaks up the pin.

KES hits Hart Attack on Beretta. Chuckie breaks up the pinfall. Smith takes out Chuckie T on the floor. Beretta counters Killer Bomb with a roll up for two.

Smith hits a Saito Suplex. Archer hits a Chokeslam for two. KES hits Killer Bomb. Archer covers but Beretta rolls him up for the pinfall.

WINNERS: The Besties


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