#4.) Mick Foley‘s unfortunate Hell In A Cell record
Mick Foley’s career was defined by his Hell In A Cell match against The Undertaker at King Of The Ring 1998 and his two death-defying drops from the top of the cell. His career would never be the same, but even then, he would go on to have two more Hell In A Cell matches afterward.
Unfortunately for Foley, his win record at Hell In A Cell matches doesn’t justify the impact he’s had. After competing in four matches inside the cell, he holds a record of three losses and one no contest. His first outing was teaming up with Kane in an unsuccessful effort against The Undertaker and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. His second bout was the Undertaker match and two months later, he had a no contest with Kane on RAW Is WAR. His final bout in the cell was against Triple H at No Way Out 2000, where he was defeated.
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