jamie noble
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5 Forgotten WWE Tag Teams Of The 2000s

#3.) The Highlanders

The Highlanders were two Scottish brutes with an extremely stereotypical gimmick. Robbie and Rory McAllister made it to the big leagues four years after their wrestling debut and in 2006, after a year in developmental, the Scottish duo would debut on RAW. They were given a gimmick of Scottish countrymen who were in the American cities for the first time.

However, in 2008, their run was doomed as Robbie was in attendance for a TNA show and was shown on television. Absolutely furious, WWE told them off and pulled them from WrestleMania, where they were both scheduled to make atleast $5000 each. They were released a few months later. Rory, in an interview with Prowrestling.net, stated that Robbie knew exactly what he was doing when he was in that TNA show.

I knew he was going, and I knew what he was going to do too. He knew TNA was going to put him on screen, he knew he was going to be set up by Jarrett and, to be honest, I don’t think he cared because at that time we were so down on everything WWE. Robbie’s not a stupid guy, I know everyone said, ‘That was a dumb move.’ It wasn’t. He knew exactly what he was doing. One thing a wrestler knows is where the hard camera is, for him to be caught on Hard Cam, that wasn’t a stupid mistake. We both knew why he was going and knew our WWE careers were going to be coming to an end that night.

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