jamie noble
Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

5 Forgotten WWE Tag Teams Of The 2000s

#4.) The Gymini

If there’s anything you would learn from watching WWE for years, it’s that being a generic big man isn’t going to get you over by itself. While WWE obviously loves superstars who have “the look”, that is only one aspect of the game and if you, as a wrestler, don’t have anything beyond that, you will be exposed sooner than later.

The Gymini were a pair of buff bald identical twins who teamed up together and debuted aligned with Simon Dean, the health freak of the 2000s. As we said, having the look won’t allow you to succeed in itself when you lack every other aspect. While we are being a bit harsh on the Shane brothers, their ceiling was never going to be that high.

They were released after 6 months despite getting a small push.

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