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Photo Credit:  Brian Bukantis- Courtesy of Arena Publishing, Co./Wrestling Revue Archives

They Were Right All Along: 5 Heels Who Were Actually Justified In Their Actions

Photo Credit: Getty Images

#4.) CM Punk – 2009

Two years before the Summer of Punk and The Straight Edge Superstar‘s rise to popularity, he was the most detested heel on the roster. Feuding with fan-favorite Jeff Hardy, it certainly didn’t help him that he cashed in his MITB on The Charismatic Enigma, but the rivalry was one that was very personal in nature.

CM Punk was a straight edge superstar and the antithesis of Hardy, who had been going through some serious struggles with addiction. It was addressed uncomfortably and Punk was berated for calling out Hardy’s issues – all while Hardy didn’t bother changing himself, so to speak.

This wasn’t even much of a redemption arc. The reality is that even though the nature in which Punk spoke was that of a heel, the core message he sent had a lot of truth to it.

Next Page: 5 Heels Who Were Actually Justified In Their Actions