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5 Storylines That WWE Cancelled

#2.) Bret Hart‘s passing of the torch match with Hulk Hogan

In 1992, Hulk Hogan abruptly left in the midst of the steroid scandal. As a result, McMahon needed a new top babyface and turned to Bret Hart, as he was not only a great talent, but it was evident that there was no steroid usage with him. He put the WWE title on Hart in late 1992, hoping to fully coronate him at WrestleMania IX against the legendary Yokozuna.

At the same time, Hogan had begun negotiations to return to WWF and signed up and was set to team up with Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake against Money Inc for the tag team titles. While Hogan lost that match, it’s believed that the clause for him to return was that he walked out on the night as WWF Champion.

Hart was disheartened to learn that he would be dropping the title but went with it anyway. As you know, the night ended with Yokozuna winning the title and then losing it to Hogan in a 22-second match. The entire idea behind it was that Hogan would have a few months with the title and set up a classic face vs face match at SummerSlam, where Hart would get rightfully coronated. Plans were all set in place, but Hogan chose not to go with it and dropped it back to Yokozuna not too long after. He then departed WWE for good.

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