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Ranking Batista’s 5 Best World Championship Wins

The Road to WrestleMania: John Cena vs. Batista

2. WWE Championship #2 (Elimination Chamber 2010)

This title reign started bizarrely. John Cena had just won an Elimination Chamber Match, and for seemingly no reason other than to kick-start their WrestleMania feud, Vince McMahon sent Batista down to the ring and awarded him a championship match to start right then and there. Batista with them beat the crap out of John Cena and their WrestleMania program was off and running. I hated it at the time, but looking back it was a pretty cool angle and I enjoyed Batista as a heel, my only slight would be that this was the beginning in my eyes of WWE doing things that lacked logic for the sake of getting a big match together for WrestleMania.

Batista’s Top 5 Title Wins In WWE #1


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