scott hall
(Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

Scott Hall’s 5 Greatest Moments

Scott Hall’s 5 Greatest Moments

#3.) Beating Shawn Michaels in the first-ever WWE ladder match

Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels had a great feud, where both claimed to be the true Intercontinental Champion. WWE decided that to unify and crown an undisputed champion, they were to have the first-ever ladder match in the company’s history. The two would go on to have one of the all-time great WrestleMania matches.

It was a groundbreaking match and set a high bar for years to come. It was a largely influential moment that people didn’t realize at the time. Razor Ramon defeated Michaels, cementing his place as the undisputed Intercontinental champion. Now try finding a better WrestleMania co-main event!

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