scott hall
(Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

Scott Hall’s 5 Greatest Moments

#4.) The 1-2-3 Kid match

In one of the most surprising moments in RAW history, the established Razor Ramon had faced a major upset in the hands of an enhancement talent named the 1-2-3 kid. It came as a huge shock, as it was simply nothing that had been seen before. It was a huge statement for the 1-2-3 Kid, who got a big run from the match. He would later be known as X-Pac, or more famously, Sean Waltman.

It remains one of the greatest moments in RAW history just for the shock value and it speaks volumes of Scott Hall, who had enough faith in Waltman to take a clean loss to him.

Next Page: Scott Hall’s 5 Greatest Moments


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