kurt angle
(Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

Isenberg Reacts: WWE RAW “Lackluster Revelation, Lame RAW”

Kurt Angle’s Revelation

Illustration Credit: Paul Cooper / The World According To Wrestling
Illustration Credit: Paul Cooper / The World According To Wrestling

Kurt Angle came out and announced that he has a son, unbeknownst to him that he was in a closed adoption. Kurt Angle ends up announcing that Jason Jordan is his son. Jordan comes out and hugs Kurt Angle and they raise each other’s arms.

So, that is the announcement. It is better than a rumored love affair and has potential. It feels lackluster to me, however, but I should have known an announcement on an angle like this never ends up shocking or surprising. Brian Karavlan, a good friend of myself and Chair Shot Reality, texted me that this was going to happen. I give him props for that call and hope that there is more to this angle than we are thinking. If it is simply this and that is all, what is the point? Maybe Jason Jordan reveals that this is a ploy for him to get what he wants in the long run, championships and opportunities. This could eventually boost him in a higher regards on RAW and compete with some of the best, possibly with a Rock-like heel turn.

American Alpha lasted a year together on the main roster. Vince must hate tag team wrestling. Maybe, this would have been more interesting if the fans cared more about Jordan and were given more to work with. He is still very, very green in the eyes of most fans.

The announcement came off lame and uninteresting.

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Fatal Four Way is the Way To Go

In a highly competitive main event, Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns did battle. Fast paced and hard hitting, that is the type of match that Roman Reigns thrives on. That was the case tonight, in the only really good segment of WWE RAW. Braun returned and attacked both men, ending the night as the lone guy standing. Braun vs. Brock vs. Roman vs. Joe. This is the way that WWE needs to go and I think they are finally realizing that tonight.

Next week, I fully expect Kurt Angle to make this announcement and give SummerSlam a massive main event for the Universal Championship. It can work and will work, especially since all four men are so unique in what they are asked to do. It protects the men who will walk out empty handed and, whoever is champion, will look like he overcame three dominant forces on the WWE RAW roster.

So, a month out. Who ya got walking out as Universal Champion at SummerSlam?

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@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE RAW RATING:

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