Number 1: Roman Reigns
Is there really a need to explain this one? It will not be about “IF” it happen, but more about “when.” With a lackluster performance at WrestleMania 33, you know John Cena is chomping at the bit to get a big match back under his belt. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena at WrestleMania 34 should already be written down in permanent marker. The only thing that should change this would be injury and I hope both men are healthy to roll in New Orleans.
Let’s dig a little deeper. Will it be for a championship? I do not think it should. There is no benefit for either guy if they want to have a title around their waist. I can see Roman Reigns winning it and the losing the Universal Championship in the span of 4-5 months. Can he beat Brock? Can he hold for a long enough period into 2018 without having to drop it to Brock Lesnar again? If I am WWE, I let Roman vs. John be the “Triple H vs. Seth Rollins” match of WrestleMania 34. Put it in the middle of the show with a lot of build. Hell, if you really want a week or two of excitement, why not add a certain cousin of Roman Reigns to the storyline? I would not mind seeing The Rock come and bash Cena a little, hoping to help Roman a little more on his road to WrestleMania.
Roman Reigns vs. John Cena. WrestleMania 34.
@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.