When it comes to wrestling tag teams, WWE is responsible for producing some of the most iconic. Among them are the likes of the Legion of Doom, D-Generation X, Edge and Christian, the Dudley Boyz and the Brothers of Destruction. However, one team that single-handedly redefined the division was the charismatic Hardy Boyz. And with all the constant rumors circulating that Matt and Jeff may be returning to WWE in the near future, let’s take a look at why the company needs them now more than ever.
They Would Reinvigorate The Tag Team Division
Without a doubt, The Hardys brought their own unique brand of “Xtreme” to WWE. And in doing so, they made tag team matches stand out as the most memorable of the evening, despite a card full of headliners. From Ladder matches, to Cage matches, the Hardys helped put tag team wrestling on par with singles competition, and that is exactly the type of movement WWE is in desperate need of.
The return of the brand split has allowed WWE to focus more time on stars and give the likes of the women competitors, the tag teams and the Cruiserweights more screen time. But despite mostly being a resounding success, it just seems like neither RAW or SmackDown can make their tag team divisions work. On the red brand you have the likes of The Club, Sheamus & Cesaro and Enzo & Cass, while over on SmackDown you have American Alpha, The Usos and Heath Slater & Rhyno. And it’s not that these teams aren’t great — because they are — but it’s beginning to feel like we’re watching the same teams continuously wrestle for the championships. Despite being great teams — some of which fans are really behind — the programs they end up in feel repetitive, and because of this, the division feels less important — which it shouldn’t. Then of course, there are interesting teams like Breezango that are consistently booked horribly and aren’t given a chance to be taken seriously.
We’re not even a year into the brand split, and it already feels like we have seen all that the tag teams have to offer. Thus, if the Hardys really do return, it wouldn’t matter where they end up because the tag team divisions on both shows need revitalized. I have no doubt that they could once again do what they did 17 years ago — put tag team wrestling on the map. And I couldn’t think of a better team to carry out this tall task.
They Are Hotter Than Ever
Back in the early 2000s, Team Xtreme were easily one of the most popular tag teams in all of wrestling. With their unique wrestling style and their ability to successfully pull off incredibly risky spots, it was exhilarating to watching them perform — and their legion of fans felt the same way.
However, despite being away from the company for the better part of a decade, Matt and Jeff are arguably hotter than ever. From a character standpoint, Brother Matt and Brother Nero are definitely among the most compelling characters in recent wrestling memory. And it proved that the Hardys don’t just excel in the ring, but in persona and on the mic. These new layers certainly gained them a lot of new supporters, and due to this success, they are quite possibly more popular now than they ever have been.
While copyright issues would certainly hold them back from bringing these characters to WWE, we shouldn’t be surprised if they return with similarly unhinged gimmicks. The promos would be edgy and memorable and it’s this kind of work that would make for an incredible rivalry with the likes of the Wyatt Family. Speaking of which, this kind of rivalry alone would certainly breathe new life into the tag team division.
But no matter which version of The Hardys show up in WWE, when they inevitably return to the place that made them famous, they will single-handedly save tag team wrestling all over again.