Photo Credit: WWE

Looking Ahead To NXT Takeover in Orlando and Why It Could Change The Landscape of WWE

When Tag Teams in NXT Mean More


Three teams will do battle at NXT Takeover: Orlando. The Authors of Pain, undefeated, put the straps on the line against #DIY and The Revival. How great (and sad at the same time) is it that NXT’s division of tag teams completely dominates that of Smackdown Live? Do you think there is a small piece of American Alpha that wishes they were still in NXT, getting a chance to put on classic matches with some talented teams instead of working 5-6 minutes every other week on Smackdown Live? Absolutely. The NXT Tag Team Championships are much more important than the Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships and it shows.

This match is also about an undefeated streak, one that I do think comes to an end in Orlando. It is an easy way to script The Authors of Pain to not look weak, while giving the titles back to Gargano and Ciampa. And then you have Dash and Dawson, top guys who are not sure what their future holds. I am so happy they did not send them to Smackdown Live, especially considering how horrible they have booked American Alpha and that division as a whole. When the night is over, I would love to see WWE let The Revival either win back the titles or actually head to where they belong and resurrect (maybe birth) a division on Smackdown Live. They are the type of guys that could pull it off, with American Alpha and The Uso’s.


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