Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Dominant Lashley Equals Success”

Knockouts Action


Gail Kim starts off with a headlock, then a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. She knocks down Sienna, but gets back up and hits a Samoan Drop. Sienna is in control, kicking her on the mat and putting pressure on her body.  Gail Kim breaks free from a submission hold and connects with a Blockbuster. Jade attacks Allie, and then Marti Belle attacks Jade. Kim is distracted, leading to The Silencer and the win for the heel.

Simple booking tonight, with a slight distraction for Sienna to pick up the win. With Gail Kim being inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, I can certainly see her getting more and more important matches. There really is nobody else as established and skilled in the ring as her right now. She is the total package and makes even the simple feuds interesting and connects with the live audience. This match did not provide anything memorable, but was more of a reminder that Sienna is getting the ball and running with it. Nice combination tonight all around, but still very average match.

WZ 5.5

Facts of Life

Eli Drake is here for Facts of Life,  and begins to tell a story about mashed potatoes. He brings out his guest, James Storm. Drake does not shake his hand and asks Storm if he is jealous of all of the success Eli has had. James Storm gets the crowd to chant “E-Li Dork.” James Storm challenges Drake to a drinking contest, which prompts Drake to drink water. Drake throws Storm’s beer out of the ring and gets a Last Call.  James Storm stands tall.

It is hard to understand how funny and unique this segment was. It reads poorly, but the personality of Drake really hits a new high tonight. The confidence and charisma is beginning to trickle out and it does wonders for him when he is paired with a guy like James Storm. The definition of TNA versus a guy who continues to get spotlight shined on him. He reminds me of EC3 before he became main event material. The raw pieces are they and now TNA is beginning to put all of those pieces together. It should be a fun feud, if they let creativity and personality drive it.

WZZ 6.5


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