the shield

Will The Former Shield Members Split During WWE Brand Split, Cruiserweight Division Coming

Another weekend and 2 weeks removed from Vegas to relax, but there is so much going on in the WWE that another edition of #AskIsenberg is completely necessary. Two new champions in the matter of minutes, a special on the WWE Network and the return of The Wyatt Family. If you want your questions answered, just tweet @JoshIsenberg4 and they have a chance to appear on here each weekend. 

Answer: I do think that this is a big test to see if the Cruiserweight Division is something that fans want to see on a regular basis. The longevity of this “Classic” will show how many fans care on a week to week basis and hopefully this gives them something more. With the brand split, you could easily put a division for these guys to appear on JUST RAW or Smackdown. This is a great opportunity, a great decision and ultimately something that Triple H feels strongly about due to its length. This is not a one night event. They are giving this time to develop and see if the attention span of fans of this specific type of wrestling can translate to television. If they see numbers on the WWE Network spike for the Cruiserweight Classic, be ready to see something regular on one of their two main shows. 


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