drew galloway
Photo Credit: Mike Kalasnik / Wikipedia/org

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Lashley Gets The Call”

Hardy vs. Bennett vs. Lashley


From the start, Lashley and Bennett focus on attacking Jeff Hardy. Lashley hits a clothesline on Hardy as Bennett goes for a cover. Lashley and Bennett continue to beat down the face in the match and Jeff finally gets to his feet. He is able to throw Lashley to the outside and hit a back drop to Miracle. He sends him to the outside as well and connects with a beautiful moonsault. Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb on Bennett and goes for a cover, but Lashley hits a powerslam. Lashley hits Mike Bennett for a delayed vertical suplex, setting him up for a spear. Bennett sidesteps him and Galloway gets hit. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Lashley and then a Swanton Bomb.

Lashley goes to hit Bennett with a spear, but Bennett sidesteps and Lashley spears Galloway, KO’ing the referee. Hardy takes out Bennett and hits a Twist of Fate on Lashley. Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb on Lashley. With no referee, Jeff Hardy clotheslines Bennett on top of the steps. Hardy climbs back onto the apron and to the top rope, where he hits a Swanton Bomb from the top rope. The Decay come out and attack Jeff Hardy. Abyss chokeslams him on the steps. You see Lashley waiting and hits a spear to Hardy off the steps and into the ring post in the corner. Lashley hits another spear and picks up the win. After the match, Galloway raises his arm and all hell breaks loose. This ends Impact.

One of the hardest things to do is to protect three guys in one match. Thankfully, Jeff Hardy never really needs protected because of how established he is. With Mike Bennett, his time will come where he reigns supreme in TNA. You can see the potential he possesses in a gimmick that is his own. Lashley looked great tonight and is the right guy to face Drew Galloway. The anger, the intensity and the athleticism was on display from him tonight and this could really be a great feud to bring out the most of his personality.

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:


WZ 7


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