Booed out of AT&T Stadium

Roman Reigns became the WWE World Heavyweight Champion much to about 90 percent of the crowd’s dislike. I really think that WWE did the right thing and I want to break it down by points.
Point 1: The entrance for Triple H, with Stephanie McMahon leading the way, was one of the most theatric and entertaining entrances in quite some time. It definitely was better than last year’s Terminator.
Point 2: The match was too long, but I compare it to Triple H’s bout with Batista. It was physical, delivered some strong moves and made Roman look good. I wanted a few more splash moves, but it did what it needed to do. It was not one of the best, but it was simply average.
Point 3: Say what you want, but Roman Reigns as champion is best right now. Towards the future, think of Reigns/Styles, Reigns/Rollins, Reigns/Ambrose. You can also potentially add Orton, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and others to the mix. He can be the badass and cocky guy without being a full heel. What is a heel these days? Oh, they are the guys that the fans cheer. Ironic.
Point 4: Let him get booed. WWE will get worried when there is no reaction. If you disagree with him being champion, you do not know the business at ALL.
All in all, the show was way too long. Nostalgia was fun, but meaningless. Where will WWE be when they cannot rely on the former names carrying segments of a show?