jeff hardy

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Is Jeff Hardy The Right Choice?”

A Gauntlet of Main Event Stars



Mike Bennett, EC3, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Eric Young, Tyrus, Rockstar Spud, Bram and Bobby Lashley all competed in a Gauntlet Match for the right to face Drew Galloway for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Yes, I would say 6 of the 9 men deserve a shot sooner rather than later. Depth in the division for the world title is a good thing, but tonight was a little confusing.

First, Mike Bennett and EC3 will be feuding and I like it. I like the young and hungry guys battling. Both are super cocky, arrogant and really connect with the crowd in two completely different ways.  They both want a shot at the title, but neither have a real BEEF with Drew Galloway. Second, there is no way Bram, Spud or Tyrus win. Unfortunately, they are just a little lower on the ladder of importance. Just look at their current role in the company on a weekly basis. I would not mind Lashley, but they are JUST starting to make him a real heel again. With no MVP, Lashley has to speak for himself. I look forward to the potential of it and hopefully him resurrecting himself in the company. That leaves me with Matt, Jeff and Eric Young. Young is the most dastardly heel in the company. Jeff is the most popular. Matt is the best overall.

So, who do they choose logically? You would think Matt or Eric. They pick Jeff Hardy. Is Drew Galloway supposed to be a fan favorite? Yes. Will he ever be as popular Jeff Hardy? No. I do not think it makes much sense to give it to Jeff, not saying he does not deserve it. I think Jeff needs to win the title off of Matt. That is MONEY. It is a risky move for TNA to book Jeff vs. Drew. A risk that they should not take with a new, first time champion who is supposed to be your face. 

Overall, a fun match and good feuds brewing. Some make sense, some do not. 

WZZ 6.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 6



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