Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Best Fatal Four Way Ever?”

AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens 

wwe smackdown

Via WZ Live Coverage

Owens with a side headlock. Styles with a leapfrog and a dropkick. Kevin Owens sends Styles to the ring apron. Styles goes for a springboard forearm, but Owens counters with a gut buster. Owens with a senton to Styles. Owens with a chin lock. Styles with back elbows to the gut of Owens. Owens goes for a senton, but Styles put his knee’s in the air. Styles sends Owens shoulder first to the steel ring post. Owen’s momentum causes him to roll to the outside. Styles with a lethal lariat to Owens. Styles with running forearm to Owens. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Owens counters with a back bodydrop. Styles lowers the ropes and Owens heads to the outside. Styles with a springboard forearm to the outside.

Styles connects with Ushigorshi for a two count. Owens with a standing switch. Styles with a series of back elbows. Styles goes for a reverse moonsault, but Owens ducks out of the way. Owens connects with the Package Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Owens drops Styles with a clothesline. Owens and Styles exchange back and forth forearms. Styles with rapid fire forearms. Owens with a superkick to Styles. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Styles counters with the Pele Kick. Styles with a RGP Back Breaker for a two count. Styles ascends the top rope, but Owens lands a forearm to Styles. Owens tells Styles that he’s phenomenal. Styles headbutts Owens. Styles with a stunner to Owens from the ring apron. Styles sets up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but out comes Chris Jericho. Owens with a running boot to Styles. Owens connects with the Pop Up Powerbomb to pickup the victory. After the match Jericho drops Styles with a Codebreaker. Jericho grabs the mic and mocks the crowd by chanting “AJ Styles”! 

Well, Smackdown featured an excellent main event tonight. With AJ Styles main eventing against Kevin Owens, who is a champion, I begin to wonder if WWE is going to make Owens defend against four guys. In reality, Jericho has actually worked with all three guys in the past. Wouldn’t a Fatal Four Way, where Jericho talks about NXT  guys feeling like they are cheered and loved more than him, such easy and compelling writing?

Also, a Fatal Four Way means that a loss to AJ Styles or Zayn does not really hurt them moving forward. We can see WWE go this route and this could REALLY help a card filled with question marks. This is an exclamation point on the card, a match where everyone will be excited to see. If Kevin Owens would win this match, it makes him so much more hated and valuable at the same time. This idea has to get you excited over two singles matches added, right? Do we want to see Styles vs. Jericho for the 4th time? Or, would it be better if the 9th and final match added were four guys who we know go out and can steal the show each week?

A match like this at WrestleMania could be the best Fatal Four Way ever, right?

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 7.5



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