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Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw Live In Pittsburgh “Stacked Roster, Stacked Show”

Shane and Undertaker Face Off


Raw ended with The Undertaker, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon in the same ring. With this dynamic, it was curious to see how they would book it. Undertaker talks about his destruction and what his hands do. Shane McMahon gets bold and calls him Vince’s b*tch. This prompts him to choke Shane and he escapes, unloading left and rights. Vince pushed Shane from behind and right into a chokeslam. Undertaker tries to go after Vince, but he escapes.

There can be more done, but they aren’t doing it. They could add Kane, telling his brother that he should not take Shane lightly. You can have Triple H talk to Shane about him having no chance, stacking the odds in  The Authoirty’s favor. If you are Brian Gulish and think Kurt Angle is coming back, why not have an interaction between Kurt and Shane? Also, The Undertaker needs to be the bad guy, not necessarily completely aligning himself with Vince but showing some sort of partnership with the guy that really did create his gimmick. Overall, we got some physicality but still need more of the pieces to fit in place to really tell this story. It needs to be built like a story, not a typical Hell in a Cell match. That should not be an afterthought, but on the back burner.

Also, Undertaker needs to shave that crap off of his head. He looks like Stevie Wonder out there. That was ironic.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

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