Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Where Are We Going From Here?”

Banks vs. Becky

wwe smackdown

Via WZ Live Coverage:

After a break, Sasha Banks with a sunset flip to Lynch for a two count. Becky Lynch rolls Banks over for a two count. Banks and Lynch go for the double dropkick. Banks and Lynch have a stare off then Charlotte comes out to interrupt the match. Charlotte comes down to the ring with her father and the match goes to commercial break. Banks with a surfboard submission hold to Lynch. Banks drags Lynch down to the mat for a one count. Lynch with multiple lariats and a dropkick to Banks. Lynch with a running corner forearm to Banks. Banks rolls Lynch up for a two count. Lynch connects with the exploder suplex for a two count. Lynch with a leg and elbow drop combination to Banks.

Banks connect with a double knee stomp for a two count. Lynch rolls Banks up for a one count, but Banks gets Lynch in the Bank Statement. Lynch gets to the bottom rope. Lynch tries to get Banks in the DisArm Her, but Banks counters with multiple double knee stomps for a two count. Banks kicks Lynch in the midsection. Lynch connects with european uppercut for a two count. Banks and Lynch exchange back and forth right hands. Banks with a backslide, but Lynch counters with a dropkick that sends Banks to the outside. Lynch misses on a flying clothesline off the ring apron. Lynch and Banks lay each other out with the double clothesline. Ric Flair gets off his chair and begins to dance. Banks and Lynch go after Ric and Charlotte attacks both Banks and Lynch from behind to force the referee to call this match. Charlotte lands a series of right hands to Lynch. Charlotte proceeds to do the same thing to Banks. Charlotte sends Lynch back first to the barricade. Charlotte with a exploder suplex to Banks. Charlotte picks up her title and walks away. 

I got what I wanted, which rarely happens. Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch and Charlotte will battle for the WWE Divas Championship at WrestleMania. Tonight showcased why you cannot leave either of these women off the card. They are so effective and so good at their craft. Is Sasha just as good as a technical wrestler than Becky or Charlotte? Hard to say, but her gimmick and the way she carries herself in the ring makes her the best showman. We have been exposed to what Charlotte can do and Becky continues to be that “Daniel Bryan” type character. She gets over by what she does in the ring and adds pieces of her personality here and there. I am very excited for this match and think it could be one of the best ever at WrestleMania.

WZ 8


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