Who Will Face Charlotte?

Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch are the top two women that could potentially face Charlotte at WrestleMania. She comes out and announces a Number 1 Contender’s Match between the two ladies, so you immediately begin to think about how they can make it a Triple Threat. Sasha vs. Charlotte would be great, but adding Becky Lynch into the mix would make it EXCELLENT. The personalities are so different from each woman that I think putting the three of them together would make each one stand out on their own. WWE is in the most fruitful spot regarding Divas that they have been in since Trish Stratus and Lita reigned supreme. Take advantage of multiple talents and make sure you do not leave one of them off.
The Game Meets Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns and Sheamus were the main event of the night, but that was greatly overshadowed by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Roman Speared Sheamus and then The Game’s music hit. They begin to brawl around the ring and then Triple H gets dastardly and hits Reigns in the neck with the ring bell. Roman gets busted open and Triple H continuously punches him in the head. When referees try to separate them, Triple H ends the night with a Pedigree onto steel steps.
Intense. Physical. Eye-opening. All three of these are words I would use to describe Triple H tonight on Raw. I loved it, I really did. To make this feud go, there needs to be endless brawling and an emphasis on how personal it can get. Do I still think they have a way to go to sell it to the hardcore fans? Yes, but Roman Reigns will have the backing of his cousin (hopefully) to aid his chances at getting over. Roman Reigns needs to be viewed as a guy who has little chance to beat Triple H. Do not make him the favorite, as he is ALWAYS the favorite. A stroke of power from Triple H does so much more for Reigns than anything else right now. A great first step on the Road To WrestleMania.