Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Slow Build For Matt and Jeff Hardy Is Best”

Awesome Kong vs. Velvet Sky

POP TV Impact Wrestling

Velvet hits a jawbreaker to Kong. Velvet tries to knock Kong down with the running shoulder tackle a few times, but to no avail. Kong sends Sky to the steep steels steps and is in full control. Kong goes for a running splash, but Velvet rolls out of the way. Velvet with a DDT for a two count and follows up with a running bulldog.

Kong finally hits a running splash for a two count. Kong with the Implant Buster to Velvet to pick up the victory. After the match, Kong continues to attack Velvet after the bell rang. Madison Rayne runs in to try and help, but the Dollhouse runs out and attacks Madison. The Dollhouse stands tall.

Good stuff from Velvet Sky tonight, as she held her own in a ring against a giant. The few moves she hit were good, not great. She is a good performer but falls victim to the inevitable Kong. It is so difficult to build a match around Kong with her size advantage. It is never believable.

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Abyss and Crazzy Steve vs. The Wolves

Tag team action features two completely different teams. Steve and Abyss suffer a loss when a woman comes out and spits mist in the face of Richards. This strange woman seems to be an addition of Abyss and Steve’s team. But, why? I was not aware that these two guys have been a constant tag team. Are they trying to develop something out of the clear blue sky? It sure seems like it. I will give it a chance, but I have ZERO interest right now.

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