Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Rock Revs Up Road To WrestleMania”

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Social Outcasts

wwe raw

It comes down to this for these teams… they are a filler. The Dudley Boyz are a great and nostalgic tag team that garners a pop. Will they be used for anything else? Unlikely, but at least they are getting another run in the big leagues. As for the Social Outcasts, a Flo Rida segment tells you all that you need to know. Not every segment needs to be completely serious and full of action. It is impossible for three hours to be completely consistent and entertaining. I did not hate this, but felt like it was a quick breather from Ziggler and Owens to the Raw debut of AJ Styles.

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The Debut of AJ Styles

Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles is the next match on Raw. Jericho slows things down with an armbar but Styles hits an armbar and poses to the crowd. Jericho chops him and then hits a running elbow. Styles connects with a running clothesline and starts to get on the offensive. Jericho hits a springboard dropkick and he spills to the outside. Chris Jericho continues with a suplex and then a quick count. Jericho continues with another missile dropkick. AJ comes back with some chops and then a headlock. Styles finally gets going with a nice dropkick and then gets tripped up on the apron. 

Back from break and AJ continues to fight back. Both men collide and are on the mat. Forearms and a combination of strikes gives AJ the splash in the corner. Jericho tries to lock in Walls, but he counters with an inverted suplex. Styles bridges out of a pin and gets a two count himself. Jericho hits a kick to his head and gets another two count. Styles gets a few kicks up and then launches with a flying elbow from the ropes. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho in the middle of the ring. He breaks it and hits a Pele Kick. Jericho is down and Styles heads up top. He misses a splash and then he reverses and gets the pinfall. 

AJ Styles put on a great match with Chris Jericho on Raw. Styles is a guy who has unlimited talent and he gave us just enough tonight. I love that we have to wait to see his entire arsenal of moves, but giving us this lengthy match where he had to battle back makes him an even more likable guy. The handshake with Jericho is the first signs of Chris Jericho turning heel. As much as I want Styles to be that dark and demonic character from years past, he is too popular to be a heel. 

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