jeff hardy

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Super Star Power Returns In Time”

Eric Young Becomes King of the Mountain Champion

impact wrestlingAfter a beer bash from Beer Money, Eric Young and Bram come out. Roode challenges him to a match for the title and Young accepts. Roode and Young, like always, put on an excellent match. Bram breaks up a three count and James Storm spits beer in his face. They proceed to hit a double suplex, but Young attacks Storm. He also uses a low blow to set up a Piledriver for the win.

Eric Young as champion is the right call right now for TNA. He is such a dastardly heel that deserves to hold a championship. I like the pairing with Bram as well. It is fresh and unique, with potential for two really “lunatic looking” heels starting something that could be big for both men and their careers. As for Beer Money, you know what you are going to get. Talented matches with talented guys is underrated at times, but I do think there needs to be evolution from them. It can’t be the same old song and dance.

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One Last Shot

EC3 and Matt Hardy now come face to face and Hardy wants one last shot at the title. He puts his career on the line for it and they shake hands, making next week a very important show in more ways than one. TNA knows that making a big statement and Impact from the start is needed. You need to invest in your product and develop storylines more in advance. Booking week to week is easy, but having a plan 2-2 months down the road is always smarter. When things change, you can change with it. An overall idea is what TNA has. Since I do not read the spoilers, I feel that Matt HAS to win, right? EC3 should not drop it, but if he should to anyone it would be against a Hardy. TNA kept me interested and gave me a reason to see EC3 and Matt one more time.

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Huh? With Mr. Anderson

That word sums up what I saw. Man, I love a good heel Anderson. He can be the Definition of an a**hole. That is what he thrives on, but this segment needs major tweaking. Was it supposed to be him investigating and harassing Matt Hardy? The cheesy music says so. I just am not sure what the point of this was. Is he a heel harassing a face and that is it?
Did anyone understand this?

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