impact wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “The Beginning…Again”

Why is James Storm Back in TNA?

impact wrestlingMoney. Beer. Literally. These are probably two reasons as to why James Storm returned to TNA. Reports of WWE paying him under 100k and TNA more than doubling it makes sense as to why he is back in TNA. I am a little sad he chose money over fame. James got himself in excellent shape over the past few months and it looked all good for him to do something bigger. WWE is bigger. NXT is bigger. Unfortunately, it looks like a bigger wallet means more, which I cannot argue about. I may have done the exact same thing.

What else does he have left to do in TNA? He should have stayed out when he could have and tried his chances in WWE. They were receptive and open to him, let him compete in NXT and could have paired him with a Zeb Colter or another mouthpiece to introduce him to the crowd that may not recognize him. Anyways, he is back in TNA and I really hope he is happy and healthy. So, back to my original question. What else does he have left to do here? Reform Beer Money. That’s it.

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No Dollhouse without Taryn

Taryn Terrell MADE The Dollhouse something interesting. She was the perfect face of that group and now they are left with Awesome Kong at the head. Really? Awesome Kong is the leader of The Dollhouse? How the hell will she fit in? Literally and figuratively. It makes no sense to me at all. It really doesn’t. Her character is always so good because she is always herself. This seems forced and a real shot in the dark.

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