Pay Per Views Need Importance
WWE can switch a title on Raw to beg for ratings. TNA should NOT do this. Crown the champion on their live episode to kick-off their relationship with Pop TV and then focus on getting back to basics.
6 Pay-Per-Views a year is a good enough time between shows that you can develop good stories. You can also look to create compelling television and a more detailed storyline. 4 PPV’s is too long to keep a feud going. If you add two more PPV’s, especially just keeping those 2 in Orlando, it does not cost much more and you can benefit the rewards.
Have a Station That Backs You
This could be the biggest piece to TNA’s success or failure. Pop TV, formerly known as TV Guide Channel, looks to have some decent programming. Get the word out and not just on their station. Pay the money to make this move important. Destination America always seemed to care about every other program aside from TNA. Look at WWE. They promote on different channels, have local appearances each day and continue to thrive from a business perspective.
I never thought Spike wanted TNA the last few years of their contract. You could tell. They never promoted the program, they never did a cross-promotion with shows like Bar Rescue. COME ON, SPIKE! That would be golden. A show that deals with drinking and professional wrestling…MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
At the end of the day, TNA is breathing. I root for everyone involved. I root for the talent, the creative team and the production team. 2016 is a make or break year. They could stay the same, like an orphan always looking for their next home. They could put on average shows with excellent talent. But, they could also have a clean slate. They can simplify things and ENTERTAIN US. A good product will get noticed, especially on cable television.