Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “League of Nations Must Develop A Face”

Bray Wyatt defeated D-Von Dudley

smackdownIn Singles competition, it was pretty much what you expect looking at these names. D-Von started off on the offensive, hitting a few clotheslines and then a back body drop. It didn’t take long for Bray to get going, as he was able to finish off D-Von with Sister Abigail and pick up the win.

After the match, The Wyatt Family decimated The Dudley Boyz and Tommy Dreamer. They put them through tables and posed to the crowd. This tells me one certain thing; there has to be a FOURTH guy for team “ECW.”

I fully expect Rob Van Dam to come back and appear for a few months in WWE. He can easily be placed into this match and give us a really good output at WWE TLC. Like I said on Monday and like I will say on Chair Shot Reality, this is a HUGE STEP DOWN FOR THE WYATT FAMILY. Undertaker = Tommy Dreamer?

WZ 4.5

The League of Nations vs. Roman Reigns

In a lopsided match, Roman Reigns must face all four men on this new stable. Uppercut city from Sheamus, Rusev and Barrett until Barrett got kicked out of the match. Roman Reigns had to fend off three other men and he took plenty of beatings. He would actually pick up the win in a count out scenario. Sheamus would Brogue Kick Reigns after the match and the beatings continued for Roman. This was, until, The Uso’s and Dean Ambrose came out to make the save for their family member. They had a stare down to end the night.

Alright, so you have The Uso’s, Dean and Roman Reigns fighting off The League of Nations who The Uso’s are fighting The New Day and The Lucha Dragons at WWE TLC. They are trying too hard to bring multiple storylines and stables together. First off, Roman Reigns should not have won by ANY MEANS tonight. It’s sloppy and dumb booking for your face to beat the champion and his friends so soon after they form an alliance. I also just want consistency, not Jimmy and Jey here for a segment, forgetting two teams and helping out their friend. It needs to be simplified and have an actual focus.

I really want them to do something positively with Barrett. He ALREADY feels like the outcast. This should be used for developing a BIG TIME FACE in a group of heels.

WZ 5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 6



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