wwe smackdown

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “New Talent, New Team, New Troubles”

Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro

wwe smackdownWhat you would expect from these two guys in a match is exactly what you got. Cesaro starts with a series of uppercuts, which makes the champ escape to the outside before more damage is done. Rollins is able to get Cesaro and throw him ribs first into the barricade and then into the steel steps. He begins to taunt Cesaro, but he connects with a dropkick to gain the upper hand.

Seth Rollins tries a splash move, but Cesaro catches him and tries to apply the Cesaro Swing. Seth Rollins grabs the rope and then kicks his opponent. Rollins goes up top again and gets hit with a huge uppercut. Cesaro applies the face lock, but it is broken. After another reversal, Seth grabs Cesaro and plants him with the Pedigree.

I love watching these two guys go at it, which further states my case of Cesaro being in the main event picture sooner rather than later. It won’t happen, but it should. Anyways, Seth held his own in terms of offense in a time where WWE loves to make the challengers SO powerful where you forget who is actually the champion. Smooth, intense and a mix balance of speed and strength moves. Great contest from these two tonight, just like you expect. Not excellent, but a great contest that lacked only one or two more big spots.

WZ 7.5

Paige Gets The Spotlight

I am not completely sure what WWE is trying to do with Paige and “PCB” or “NBC” but it is confusing me to all ends. You have Paige turning on Becky Lynch and Charlotte only to come back and ask for forgiveness and say that they can overcome this?

Instead of making Paige her own entity, her own person, you have her going back on what she did. Paige is really good, to the point of not really needing to be with other Divas. She is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN EVERYONE ELSE. Her look makes her stand out. Her personality needs to be more cutting edge, intense and goth like.

Paige and Nikki compete in a highly contested bout, where Paige loses. The right call, especially since Nikki faces Charlotte on Sunday. But, what is the point of Paige doing all of this talking beforehand to fall at the hands of Nikki shortly after?

Make up your mind, WWE. Please.

WZ 5


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