Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “New Heels Are Needed”

Kevin Owens vs. Zack Ryder

wwe smackdownKevin Owens and Ryder face off in a quick and predictable match. Ryder was able to get a few moves and tried to connect with the Broski Boot. Owens hit a few big moves and the Popup Powerbomb for the win. He continues to attack Ryder until Ryback rushes out and makes the save. KO escapes with no harm.

I like the Kevin Owens who fought first before ducking out like a wimp. I would let him get some blows in, potentially get the upper hand and then get spilled to the outside. Why would you not let him do what he was successful in when debuting on the main roster? Or, how he was in NXT? Let Owens be the guy who starts the fight. He doesn’t need to finish it, but he needs to be booked like a different heel than everyone else. Why? Because he is.

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What To Do With Dolph and Summer Rae?

Dolph Ziggler and Rusev faced off in a match that saw Summer Rae as a referee. After a pretty physical and fast-paced bout, Dolph picks up the win with Summer slapping Rusev and hitting the ZigZag. After the match, Summer Rae talks about how they both were hurt by Rusev and Lana. She talks about their chemistry together and Dolph says that he knows how she is and will take advantage of him. He leaves her in the ring.

I love Dolph Ziggler for many reasons. I hate how they book Dolph Ziggler. I will admit that he needs a woman next to his side. His best runs were with Vickie Guerrero and AJ Lee. Why would you not put a smoking hot blonde that makes SENSE next to him? Lana did not work because she was not the right character for him. He needs to be the cocky, arrogant and “better than you” guy that he used to be. Should he turn heel? Yep. Plain and simple, Dolph will always be liked by a mass of people, similar to Kevin Owens and MANY of the boys on the roster. If you pair him and Summer Rae, I think that you can strike with something hot and unexpected. He needs that and she became really good really fast. She needs him just as much, if not more.

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Charlotte defeated Alicia Fox

The Divas Champion picks up a win less than a week after suffering a pinfall from her counterpart at Hell in a Cell. I will say that I continue to enjoy the ring work of Fox. Extremely underrated, Fox has the tools to be really good. I am not sure why she has not been pushed yet, but Fox is smooth and has a unique skill set offensively. Fisherman Suplexes and her long legs can take her places.

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