Main Event Tag Team Match
Orton and Wyatt start off the match. Orton and Wyatt lock up. Wyatt with a uppercut. Orton with a clothesline. Wyatt with right hands to Orton. Orton goes for the DDT and Wyatt heads to the outside. Orton with a clothesline to Wyatt. Orton sizes Wyatt and Wyatt tags in Strowman. Orton with right hands and uppercuts to Strowman. Strowman with a shoulder tackle. Orton tags in Reigns. Reigns and Strowman stare off. Strowman throws Reigns around like a rag doll. Strowman with a shoulder tackle to Reigns. Orton tags himself in. Orton and Reigns try to go with a double team running shoulder tackle and Strowman knocks both men down. Orton with stomps to Strowman chest. Strowman knocks down Orton. Strowman tags in Wyatt. Wyatt with headbutts to Orton in the corner. Wyatt with a running boot for a two count. Wyatt with a uppercut. Wyatt runs through Orton in the corner.Orton with a back breaker to Wyatt.
We have been used to seeing these type of matches. Yes, it was a fun tag team match. Yes, it was entertaining with a handful of really polished athletes. Yes, there are so many different types of talent in this ring at once.
Why do I feel like I could care less? Maybe because we are seeing a feud with nothing to fight for? Maybe it is because Smackdown ALWAYS has tag team matches? I just feel that WWE runs out of ideas and gets complacent. Do you agree?
@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating: