Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “World Title Series or Matt Hardy?”

Matt Hardy Should Be Your Face of TNA

impact wrestlingI would have never had Matt Hardy drop the title like that. You got a very small buzz after the Bound For Glory event, but it was WAY TOO SOON. You need to savor a moment like this, give the man his due. After that great celebration, what is it for now? Maybe the bigger story is this:

 EC3 finally loses and THIS is how you book his revenge? You throw him in a series of matches with women and X-Division talent?

Instead of carrying Impact Wrestling, Matt Hardy is going to be forced to get the title again. Weren’t these past few months about him CHASING the title and WINNING it? Let him carry it now. Let him be the face of your company moving forward with EC3.

This had the potential to be a long and fruitful feud. But alas, you make a bad decision. You could have easily brought Jeff Hardy back healthy and inserted him with his brother and the man that has reigned supreme in TNA over the past 16 months.

How to break down the groups…


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