Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Promote Jeff Hardy!”

Number One Contender, Hardy Quits

impact wrestlingThere was a little confusion tonight on Impact Wrestling. First off, Ethan Carter defeated Rockstar Spud and made Hardy do whatever he said or he would get fired. Second, Drew Galloway became number one contender when he defeated Lashley, Bram and The Wolves in a really fun match. 

At the end of the night, Jeff Hardy quits and does not want to be associated with Carter anymore. Drew Galloway will face Carter at Bound For Glory.

This can’t happen. The feud is Jeff Hardy vs. Ethan Carter. Why would they even have a contender’s match with guys that are not Hardy? Where is the logic? 

I enjoy Galloway and think he has done a great job becoming someone completely different than what we saw in WWE. This is just not logical and really random for their “Big Pay-Per-View of the year.” Maybe something changes, but why do you even do this? Oh yeah, Bound For Glory is in North Carolina. Jeff Hardy can SELL TICKETS THERE! PROMOTE, PROMOTE AND PROMOTE. But, Jeff “quit”… so there is that.

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

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