Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “The War of Wars”

Team TNA  vs. Team GFW in Lethal Lockdown

impact wrestlingI could make this very amateurish and very easy to bash TNA for having Bram in this match. But, we know it was filmed a while ago and there is really nothing that they can do right now to edit it out. Okay, sorry, but you need to film weeks in advance and not months. Either way, you never know what knuckleheads will end up doing. So, with that out of the way, let’s talk about the outcome.

Global Force Wrestling has tried to take over TNA for quite some time and the plan has finally come to fruition. Fighting for Dixie is two former WWE guys, a tag team famous in ROH and Bram. Although I like many of these guys, where are the originals that have stuck with her for a decade? That is problem number 1. Second, Why isn’t her flesh and blood fighting for her company? Problem 2.

The match was really entertaining and extremely fun to watch. I loved how they basically split the match in many parts and stories. You had the tag teams working with one another, as well as Lashley steamrolling over GFW wrestlers. I also thought that they made it feel like a war, giving us weapons and aggression was the perfect icing on the cake.

Lastly, my big question is for the future. This feud was not bad. Hell, it was much better, much more developed and interesting that Aces and Eights, Main Event Mafia and many other storylines that featured a power struggle. I just want to know what happens with TNA now. What do they do now? Do they go back to basics, working on their young guys while relying on veterans from WWE to pump money into the company. I want success for this company. I want competition and more professional wrestling and all of you should. When will they turn the corner? Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

Tonight felt important. It felt different. Will those feelings carry over into the coming weeks?

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wresting Rating:

WZ 7