Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Is This Too Much GFW?”

EC3 Continues to Shine

impact wrestlingThe champ now has Jeff Hardy as his personal assistant. He asks for water at 72 degrees and says it tastes like 73. He continues the night a few ways:

First: a tag team match with Tyrus, beating Matt Hardy and Spud in quick fashion. Jeff says he will not hit Spud with a chair, showing a slight towards his “boss.” Hardy continues to try and ignore EC3 and says he admires Galloway’s desire for TNA. Carter tells him to focus more on being his assistant and orders him to get dinner reservations.

Let’s be honest here and say that Ethan Carter III is just naturally funny. The gimmick he has is perfect for what they are trying to accomplish. Having a “servant” usually lands flatter than Tom Brady’s balls, but this one is full of life. I really enjoy EC3 doing more outside than inside.

When you see a champion fight, it should be meaningful. It should have reason to it and right now, EC3 has no reason or opponent to fight constantly. He has beaten Matt twice and Spud is an old enemy. I think developing him outside the ring until Jeff Hardy defies his authority is the absolute right thing for him.

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Tag Team Champions…Again

 Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards become the TNA Tag Team Champions once again, this time by beating Brian Myers and Trevor Lee. In a good, not great match that lasted under 10 minutes, The Wolves reclaim what is theirs.

I loved the pace of this match from the very beginning. Suicide Dives are usually overplayed in matches, but kicking the match off with three was a nice touch to really get the crowd involved and the viewers at home invested. Back and forth and it seemed like Sonjay Dutt would interfere once more.

Earl Hebner comes down to the ring and lays out Dutt. Davey connects with the Spike on Lee and Eddie Richards hits a piledriver to pick up the win. Even though the match delivered in some sense, there should have been about 5-10 more minutes added. Cut the fatty parts of the show, including useless promos and backstage segments. Add that time to actual wrestling, something these four can do very well.

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