A British Point of View: WWE Lockdown?

What appropriate measure can be put in place? Is it simply a case of placing more security officers in the arena to prevent people from gaining access to ringside? WWE, like most forms of live entertainment places a lot of trust in its fan base to act appropriately during their performances and for the large part, they oblige.

However, when thinking about security in sport I can’t help but think about some football stadiums (sorry that’s soccer stadiums to my US readers) in various locations around the world. These stadiums have needed to erect security fences which surround the pitch areas to prevent fans from gaining access to the field and to stop them from throwing foreign objects at the athletes on display.

I would imagine that there would have to be a major breach in security before WWE felt the need to impose any of these drastic measures at their arenas. I myself, was always reassured when attending WWE shows in the States as security always felt tighter than when attending some shows here in the UK. I think in the main part, WWE handle these situations very well. With the current situation, I’m not sure they can do much more than place extra security as a visual deterrent at ringside and on the ramp.

That doesn’t mean that there might not be any knock on effects from these security breaches. Could a concerned parent who are considering going to a show with their child in the future decide not to go anymore because of these incidents? As we know, a large portion of the audience is very young and WWE will be keen on ensuring their talent and fans safety.

Do you think there is anything else WWE can realistically do to keep their talent and fans safe during performances? Are you a concerned parent? Or do you feel that it’s all just a coincidence that it’s happened in such a short period of time? Let me know at [email protected], tweet me @BeansOnToastUK or use the comments section below.

Don’t forget, follow @TheIWCRadio on Twitter for the latest details of our show. We will be recording the latest episode tomorrow night and this will likely be a topic of the show. If you have any questions please do let me know.