Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “No Direction, No Development”

Sting Kicks off WWE Raw

wwe rawSting kicks off Raw and talks about Seth Rollins, saying he is NO Triple H. He says that Rollins has no right being talked about with legendary names in WWE history. He calls it an injustice and is a legend in his own mind. He says the last chapter of his career is written when he wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

We see Seth Rollins backstage and Seth is talking trash on Sting. Stephanie says what he is saying is outrageous and talks about this being his year. He says he is better than anyone when he is in that ring. Stephanie says Sting compared him to Triple H. Stephanie says he is not half the man as Triple H, but legends are built over time. This upsets Seth and says they build statues for legends. He wants his status and she says to ask Sting. 

I really enjoyed the kick-off to Raw tonight. Sting made it simple why he wants Rollins and why he is coming for the title. Backstage, Seth and Steph teased a little bit of a dissension between Seth and Triple H. Planting the seeds, yes. It is a really solid beginning and hopefully we get more later tonight from both men. 

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Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

Dolph and Rusev exchange blows, with Rusev getting the upper hand. He throws Ziggler around the ring and then he locks in a headlock. Ziggler fights back, but gets blasted to the outside. We head to a commercial break. Dolph escapes a corner splash and hits a DDT, followed by some elbows and a splash himself. Rusev htis a suplex and a rolling senton for two. Dolph rolls him from behind, only to get a spin kick.

Dolph Ziggler hits a big superkick, only to get a two count. They head to the outside and Rusev thrusts him in the chest. He goes for a move, but rams shoulder first into the steps. They both make the ten count and then Rusev kicks him in the chest. Rusev tries to lock in the Accolade, but a reversal gives Dolph the ZigZag. Summer Rae gets involved and Lana fires back as well. 

I think this tells you, once again, that a mixed tag team match HAS to take place in the next few weeks, preferably at Night of Champions. Lana and Summer Rae get such a huge pop every night. The heat is there, so now is the time to announce the payoff. Later in the night, Summer Rae is seen going into Dolph’s locker room and then runs out. She sees Dolph naked and Lana gets upset. This happens throughout the night. Man, talk about more details and more depth. I am not sure what happens after this. There still has to be a payoff, but will Lana ultimately go BACK to Rusev?

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Who faces Nikki Bella?


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