Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Surprise Returns Shake The Core”

Seth Rollins Gets a Surprise…

wwe rawSeth Rollins comes out and talks about his accomplishments and that he is going to be with the likes of Bruno, Warrior and Andre. With a huge black curtain seemingly holding his bronze statue, it is now time to him to see it.

The curtain lifts and Sting is standing there. Sting looks at everyone and the crowd erupts. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon step out of the ring and he attacks Seth Rollins. Rollins ducks out of the ring and Sting grabs the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He looks at it and Raw ends with The Icon standing tall.

Wow, great appearance! I am shocked to see Sting wanting the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He really does not need it, but it definitely makes the next opponent for Seth Rollins more intriguing. Any match with Sting does not need a title, does it?

Anyways, this is fresh and new. I really want to see where this goes in the next 3-4 weeks. Maybe, just maybe they do something right. Do not be surprised if Sting gets screwed over in the title match.

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 7.5



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