Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “WWE Missed The Boat”

Eli Drake vs. Drew Galloway

impact wrestlingEli attacks Drew during his entrance, but Galloway recovers and clotheslines Eli over the top rope.  Galloway misses wildly with a chair and Eli hits a body slam and a two count. He tosses Drew to the outside and clothesline him off the apron. Like always, Galloway battles back with some fists and connects with a clothesline.

Drew connects with a big kick and then focuses on getting a table. Eli gets out of the way and hits a baseball slide. He connects with a weapon to his back and then grabs another table. Galloway hits a dropkick and then Drew then sets up for and hits a side handle slam through the table off the middle rope. Galloway picks up the win.

I just dig what Galloway does in the ring. He is not the smoothest technician, nor the strongest guy. He just has no big weakness and that speaks volumes. He is a guy who definitely gets better as time goes on in a match. It did seem like Eli looked a little lost at times, trying to keep up, but it was  a good bout nonetheless. More development of a split and feud needs to be focused on. Do not give us a split a few weeks ago and then the face goes over 2 weeks later. Draw it out and make it personal. People want to feel connected to the story, rather than watch purely on skill.

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Ethan Carter III defeated PJ Black 

I have always been a fan of Black (Justin Gabriel in WWE) because how smooth and excellent at executing moves he is in the ring. Tonight was no different. EC3 continues to show you why TNA is so high on him. He has that “it” factor that makes him stand out in this business. The smug arrogance during the match and his ability to ALWAYS remain in character is excellent. 

Tonight was a showcase, to me, of what WWE missed the boat on. Not every guy can be world champion in this business. EC3 can and PJ Black, with more mic skills and a focus on character development, would be there too. PJ Black is really good and has a similar offensive style of Seth Rollins. He relies on his lower body speed and strength to ground his opponent. EC3 is more traditional and relies on his upper body strength. I really enjoyed this match and was a fun main event on Impact. 

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@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 6


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