Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “The Future of The Rising Four”

Tag Team Melee on Smackdown

wwe smackdownThe New Days starts off fast in the ring. Titus is able to get things going for him by locking Big E in an abdominal stretch. Titus gets pushed into a corner and attacked by The New Day.  He is able to fight out and connect with a big clothesline, tagging in Darren shortly after.

He takes out all three men and then hits a combination move, picking him up from a Northern Lights Suplex. Big E retreats and they try to leave, but  Los Matadores and The Lucha Dragons block them. Xavier is thrown into the ring for Darren to finish his move and nail the Double Knee Gutbuster for the win.

 Smart booking. Apparently, WWE will go into SummerSlam with three “face” tag teams all trying to stop The New Day. Quick and easy heat on the best heel team they have. They will be facing many obstacles and adversities. You can see it now ,right? New Day will become WWE Tag Team Champions.

Unless WWE has more plans for this division with Wyatt Family or someone else, New Day would be the best choice. Solid performers, a gimmick that is getting over based on being obnoxious and the crowd REACTS. The latter is the biggest key to their success. Good segments from them tonight.

WZZ 6.5

Tag Team Main Event

Seth Rollins teamed with Kevin Owens to face off against Neville and Cesaro. When you talk about these four names, you know what you are going to get in the ring. They delivered an excellent bout. I was more curious to break down each four of these guys and where they go forward.

Seth Rollins: The champ. He has proven he belongs, but time may be ticking on him being world champion. I think he should retain the world title and win the United States Championship at SummerSlam. There is no better guy right now to hold both titles and gives him the forever title of being “the first ever” when holding both titles. He is established. He continues to impress and really has taken this reign to bigger heights.

Cesaro: He has only been in the WWE, consistently, for about three years and there is plenty of time for him to become something more. Is it “now or never” with him? I would not go THAT far, but I do think that they need to jump on his momentum right now. A match with Kevin Owens will be great, but who wins? Both men need a victory and should not lose to the other. Cesaro could be a very intriguing opponent for Seth Rollins in October-December.

Kevin Owens: Split decisions backstage are harming his development. He is already really good, but there was no other way than to fall down the ladder a bit after feuding with John Cena. Why? Because it is JOHN CENA. I would not mind Owens targeting a more mysterious opponent after SummerSlam.

Neville: Fun to watch and gets a nice rub off of CW’s Arrow and Stardust. I expect him to be this guy for the foreseeable future, the “John Morrison” of the WWE. Hell, I could even see him in a tag team or aiming for an Intercontinental Championship match by the end of the calendar year.

One thing you cannot blame WWE is that they are not giving young and talented guys a chance. They are and the guys are producing.

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZZ 6.5


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