Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “What is The Point of GFW?”

impact wrestlingLashley defeated Jesse Godderz

Lashley starts off with a Military Press and Jesse gets taken down on the mat and face first on the apron a few times. Lashley hits a stalling suplex and then misses a shoulder block. Godderz stomps away and gets in control, with a waistlock to control the big man.

Lashley reverses with a gutwrench powerbomb and then a german suplex.. Godderz comes back with a nice array of moves and hits a nice reverse backbreaker. Lashley breaks out of a submission hold to his leg and hits a Spear for the win.

Good stuff tonight and quick work by both guys. Godderz is just really good, continuing to grow and become better than what he was in the BroMans. He thrives when given more time in the ring and more of an opportunity to showcase his defense. He does not oversell and has the look that makes him believable to beat anyone, including Lashley.

Should he have won tonight? I would have had him go over, but I get that they need an established name like Lashley, who is a former world champion, in the main event tonight against the GFW guys.

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The Wolves defeated Brian Myers and Trever Lee

Brian Meyers starts off against Davey Richards of the Wolves.  Myers starts things with an armbar until Edwards gets the tag. They hit a few double team moves and gains the upper hand.  Myers and Lee try a double suplex, but they get reversed and hit with baseball slides and a double Suicide Dive.

Lee hits a flying knee getting back into the ring and Myers hits a snapemare and tags in Lee. Back and forth, more tags and Eddie hits a hurricanranna. Trevor catches him and hits a German Suplex for two. The Wolves regain control and targets Trevor and Brian, setting up and connecting with a Backstabber during the downward motion of a Powerbomb for the win.

This was some of the best work I have seen on television from Myers. A guy who was lost at times in WWE, but give him credit for continuing to buck the trend and becoming better outside of the machine of WWE. The Wolves’ timing and execution are just spectacular.I really enjoyed the flow of this match and felt like the pacing was at a perfect speed for both teams. It wasn’t “excellent” but it was really good.  I’d like to see more of Trevor Lee in the future. I am not too exposed to him, but liked the small sample size we got on Impact.

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