Isenberg Reacts: WWE Battleground “Deadman Rises, Owens Thrives”

Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns

wwe battleground

Wyatt and Reigns stand off, with the crowd cheering for both men. Wyatt kicks him down in the corner, but Reigns kicks and punches him over and over again. Wyatt rolls to the outside and gets a cheap shot in. He drops him with a body slam and then panders to the crowd again. Roman Reigns hits a clothesline. Wyatt runs the ropes and unloads his body into him. Reigns hits a Samoan Drop and then heads to the outside. He misses and goes shoulder first into the steel steps.  Wyatt continues with a DDT on the apron and Reigns barely gets in for the 10 count. 

Roman Reigns gets out of a head lock and to his feet. Roman connects with a big boot and then a chop to the throat, followed by high kicks. He hits a big clothesline and then connects with another suplex. He tries to hit his patented drive by dropkick, but Wyatt clotheslines him and hits a big body splash on the floor. He hits a few headbutts and then Reigns fights out of it and hits a powerbomb for two from the ropes. He finally connects with the drive by and then gets caught with a side suplex. Superman Punch only gets a two count. Roman fights out of Sister Abigail and unloads more offense. A guy in a hoodie appears and Wyatt picks up the win with Sister Abigail.

The match started a little slow, with both guys trying to feel the other out. It picked up quickly and turned into a really good story. It did not need to be smooth, functional and really natural feeling. The progression of the match was natural, but the moves were good enough to get by from being a fluent pace. I loved the back and forth, big move after big move. The crowd was loving it and the pace was extremely fast for two bigger guys towards the end of the match. It felt more important than it really was. That is a credit to the performers.

As for Luke Harper back with Bray Wyatt, thank you. Thank you for making sense and not wasting an incredible talent. This was well overdue. Harper becomes a big piece in a bigger story…hopefully.

WZ 8


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