I Got Nowhere Else to Go / Over the Mountain


jeff jarrettThe return of Jeff Jarrett to TNA will amount to zilch.

Some got riled because Kurt Angle wasn’t told that Jeff and wife Karen – Angle’s ex – were going to be at TV. But Angle and Karen have been apart for eight years. How that went down then was unforgivable, but that’s a long time. Kurt’s married now to a woman that isn’t Satan, and is very happy.

As far as kayfabing the locker room goes, just shut up, show up for work and do what you’re told. TNA employees have a lot more to worry about than some outdated concept of respect between “the office” and “the boys.”

When wrestlers get smartened up in advance, they leak.

Like I said, the return of Jarrett will have zero impact. But at least it was a surprise.

Instead of having Global Force Wrestling invade TNA, they should have GFW’s audience from its minor-league baseball stadium tour invade TNA. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of school buses to get them there.

When I heard about GFW’s minor-league baseball stadium tour, I thought it was a good idea. Get fans to stick around after a game, give ‘em three matches, main-event a name like Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and it’s easy. HOOOOOO!

Then I found out they weren’t staging the shows on game nights. That meant that crappy, bush-league wrestling featuring mostly names that nobody’s heard of or remembers had to fill an empty baseball park.

It didn’t come close.

Knowing Jarrett, these were sold shows. He probably convinced the baseball teams they were a success, too.

Boy, it’s nice to know Jim Cornette can still pack ‘em in.

Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkMaddenX


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